Conférence 2019


The Jordan Rift Valley Case

Mercredi 6 novembre 2019
Hôtel Warwick, salle Jura Mont-Blanc de 18h30 à 20h30. Entrée libre

« Recycling waste water and Sustainable development of rapidly urbanised regions« 
The Central Mountain Range near the Jordan Rift valley is an area under rapid development, endangering the environmental sustainability. The urgency of the situation has motivated international academic cooperation aimed at the development of technologies enabling preservation of the region’s environmental sustainability alongside the expansion of human habitat into rural areas.
This conference will introduce our results on the subject. The relevant studies will help countries and researchers engaged in similar projects. The public will learn about the importance of sustainability which helps save water and preserve the environment in semi-arid areas.

Key Speakers
Dr Bhavish Patel, Ph.D. Chemical engineering, Researcher in biomass processing and resource recovery, Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), the most important institute of research of Switzerland.
Dr Yaakov Anker, Ph.D. in Geophysics, Environmental Research Coordinator, Eastern R&D Center Chemical Engineering, Ariel University.

Key speakers to be joined by special guest researcher.